SSS Maternity Benefit

SSS Maternity Benefits, Requirements, and Computation

SSS Maternity Benefit is one of the many benefits of the Social Security System that covered members can avail of.

When I gave birth to our eldest child in 2013 via C-section delivery, I received Php 39,000 maternity benefit from the SSS. That was the maximum benefit that a qualified member can receive.

When I gave birth to our second child last year, I only received Php 35,000 which is half of the SSS maximum benefit at that time. Why only half? I’ll tell you more later. 🙂

By the way, if you’re an OFW, read this article instead:

How to File and Claim SSS Maternity Benefit for OFWs

What is SSS Maternity Benefit?

This maternity benefit granted by the SSS is a daily cash allowance for covered female members who cannot work due to childbirth, miscarriage, or emergency termination of pregnancy (including stillbirth).

SSS Maternity Benefits Requirements

  1. At least 3 posted monthly SSS contributions within 12 months before the semester of delivery, miscarriage, or abortion
    • For example, if your due date is September 2019, you should have paid at least three monthly contributions from April 2019 to March 2019.
  2. SSS Maternity Notification and Proof of Pregnancy
    • Proof of Pregnancy can be an ultrasound report, medical certificate, or pregnancy test stick sent to the employer.
    • If you are self-employed or unemployed,  you need to submit these requirements directly to the SSS office.

SSS Maternity Benefit Daily Allowance

When you avail of the SSS maternity leave, either due to childbirth or miscarriage, you will receive a daily cash allowance equal to your average daily salary credit based on the SSS maternity benefit computation.

For employed members, your employer is required by law to issue your full maternity benefit within 30 days since you filed your maternity leave. The SSS will then reimburse the full amount that your employer paid to you.

For self-employed or voluntary members, the SSS will pay the benefit directly to you.

Expanded Maternity Leave Law

This is a new law that was enacted on March 11, 2019 to protect and promote the rights and welfare of women.

Republic Act No. 11210 (RA 11210), also known as the 105-Day Expanded Maternity Leave Law, grants increased maternity leave benefit to eligible SSS members.

Under this law, all working mothers in the government and private sector are guaranteed with:

  • 105 days of paid maternity leave credits, with 7 days transferable to fathers
  • An additional 15 days of paid leave will be granted to single mothers

Before, eligible female members were entitled to 60 days of paid leave for normal delivery and 78 days for cesarean delivery.

For cases of miscarriage or emergency termination of pregnancy, a 60-day paid maternity leave shall be granted to a female worker.

This new law gives mothers the option to extend their maternity leave for another 30 days without pay, provided that you notify your employer in writing at least 45 days before the end of your maternity leave.

This law also applies to every instance of pregnancy unlike before that only 4 pregnancies can avail of the SSS maternity benefit.

The expanded maternity benefits apply regardless of the member’s employment status, civil status and legitimacy of her child.

Maternity leave benefits should be availed by the eligible female worker either before or after the actual period of delivery in a continuous and uninterrupted manner.

SSS Maternity Benefit Computation

The computation and the amount of your SSS maternity benefit are based on your monthly salary credit or MSC of your SSS contribution.

MSC is the compensation base or salary level for contributions and benefits related to your total earnings for the month.

When you apply maternity benefit or salary loan, SSS uses this bracket to determine how much you are entitled to.

Here are the steps on how to compute the SSS maternity benefit:

  1. Within the 12 months immediately before the semester of the female worker’s childbirth or miscarriage, add the top six highest contributions to get your total MSC.
  2. Divide your total MSC by 180 days to get your average salary credit or your daily maternity allowance.
  3. Multiply your daily maternity allowance by 105 days or the number of maternity leave days you’re entitled to, to get your total amount.

Example SSS Maternity Benefit Computation

Step 1: Get the Facts including delivery month, semester of contingency and months prior to semester of contingency.

  • Delivery Month: March 2020
  • Semester of Contingency: October 2019-March 2020
  • 12 Months prior to Semester of Contingency: November 2018-September 2019

From November 2018 to September 2019, the SSS member should have at least 3 months contribution to be eligible for the SSS Maternity Benefit.

Step 2: Get the Monthly Salary Credit of the 6 highest posted contribution during the 12-Month Period prior to semester of Contingency.


Month Contribution Monthly Salary Credit
September 2019 2,040 17,000
August 2019 2,040 17,000
July 2019 2,040 17,000
June 2019 2,040 17,000
May 2019 2,040 17,000
April 2019 2,040 17,000

Step 3: Add the 6 highest monthly Salary Credit

17,000 + 17,000 + 17,000 + 17,000 + 17,000 + 17,000 = 102,000

Step 4: Divide the sum into 180 days to get the daily maternity allowance

102,000/180 = ₱566.66 (Daily Maternity Allowance)

Step 5: Multiply the daily maternity allowance depending on the following criteria:

  • For Normal Deliver – 105 days
  • For Cesarean Delivery – 105 days
  • Abortion, Miscarriage – 60 days
  • Solo Parent (either Normal or Cesarean) – 120 days

If Normal or Cesarean Delivery, multiply the daily maternity allowance into 105 days

  • ₱566.66 x 105 = ₱59,499.30 (Maternity Benefit)

If member is a Solo Parent (regardless if Normal or Cesarean Delivery), multiply the daily maternity allowance into 120 days

  • ₱566.66 x 120 = ₱67,999.92 (Maternity Benefit)

Maximum Maternity Benefit

The maximum maternity benefit that a female member can possibly receive is:

  • ₱70,000 pesos for Normal and Cesarean Delivery and
  • ₱80,000 for Solo Parent (either Normal or Cesarean Delivery)

That’s if the member has at least six monthly contribution of Monthly Salary Credit ₱20,000.

Minimum Maternity Benefit

The minimum maternity benefit that a female member can possibly receive is:

  • ₱2,250 for Abortion and Miscarriage and
  • ₱3,937.5 for Normal and Cesarean Delivery

That’s if the member’s Monthly Salary Credit was only ₱2,250, which is the lowest MSC starting April 2019, and has only three monthly contribution within the 12-month period prior to the semester of contingency.

How to Claim the SSS Maternity Benefit

For Employed Members

Employers from the private sector shall pay for the difference between the full salary and the actual cash benefits received from the SSS.

Private sector employers who employ less than 10 people may be exempted from paying the salary differential.

Employers are still mandated to advance the full SSS maternity benefit to its female employees within 30 days from filing their maternity leave application, and SSS will only reimburse the amount computed based on her average daily credit.

For Self-Employed and Voluntary Members

SSS will pay the full maternity benefit for those who are self-employed, voluntary, and those who have been separated from their employers before giving birth.

SSS will pay the benefit upon submission of all the required documents of the female member including pregnancy and birth delivery documents.

SSS Maternity Benefit for Unemployed

a. Unemployed, recently separated from work, with SSS contributions

If you are unemployed and recently separated from your previous employer, you can still avail of SSS Maternity benefit, provided, you have paid at least 3 monthly SSS contributions within 12 months before the semester of delivery.

For example, if your due date is December 2019, you should have paid at least three monthly contributions from July 2018 to June 2019.

Take note that you cannot make retro payments. Meaning, you cannot pay your contributions for the previous months just so you can avail of the maternity benefit.

b. Unemployed, SSS member, without SSS contributions

Sorry, you are not eligible to avail of the benefit if you have not paid any contribution to SSS.

c. Unemployed, not an SSS member, without SSS contributions

Sorry, you are not eligible to avail of the benefit if you are not a member and if you have not paid any contribution to SSS.

To know more about Social Security System benefits, you may visit the SSS website. Or call SSS Hotline at 920-6446 to 55.

More about SSS Maternity Benefit 2018

(Prior to the Expanded Maternity Law)

Having trouble applying for your SSS maternity benefit?

Here’s your solution. This article will be comprehensively tackling maternity benefits, its beneficiaries, the step-by-step process on how to avail those benefits, when you can apply and when you’re most likely to receive those benefits.

Before anything else, the maternity benefit that’s given by SSS is exclusive to its members. If you’re not a member or are just considering being one, you will not qualify to avail of this.

What is a maternity benefit?

In the Philippines, maternity benefit is a daily allowance given to any member of SSS who, for the allowable time, is unable to work due to childbirth or miscarriage.

Who can avail of it? 

Apart from being a female member of SSS, here are a few more considerations to qualify for SSS maternity benefit:

  1. at least three monthly contributions in the last 12 months prior the child birth or miscarriage
  2. has given notification of the pregnancy to SSS via her employer, if with a company, or directly to SSS, if self-employed
  3. within the first four deliveries and miscarriages since 1997, when the Social Security Act of 1997 (RA8282) took effect

How to apply for SSS Maternity Benefit

There are three parts to the application process; the first part involves notifying SSS of your pregnancy, reimbursement and the other proving the method of birth.

A. Notifying SSS

  • For those who are employed are working with a company:

Make sure your employer is notified about your pregnancy at least 60 days from the date of conception. You’ll have to fill out an SSS Maternity Notification Form and present a proof of pregnancy, which normally an ultrasound report. Submit those with a UMID or SSS biometrics ID card or two other valid IDs, both with signatures, photos and date of birth. It’s now the job of your employer to submit a maternity notification form and the proof of pregnancy you gave to SSS.

  • For those who are currently unemployed, self-employed or are voluntary members:

Just visit SSS directly, and file you maternity notification there.

B. Reimbursement application

  • For currently employed members:

All you need to submit is the form below, which is a Maternity Reimbursement Form, with your stamped Maternity Notification Form and a UMID or SSS biometrics ID card or two other valid IDs, both with signatures, photos and date of birth.

  • For those who left the company during the pregnancy:

You also need to fill out MAT-2, submit the IDs, but with those you have to submit 2 certifications. One should contain the effective date of separation from employment or a notice the company has closed, while the other should certify that no payments have been made prior the separation.

  • For self-employed members:

Submit the Maternity Reimbursement Form, with your stamped Maternity Notification Form and a UMID or SSS biometrics ID card or two other valid IDs, both with signatures, photos and date of birth.

C. Proof of birth method

  • For a normal delivery, submit a certified true or authenticated copy of the registered birth certificate of your child. If he died or was a stillborn, send instead a registered death or fetal death certificate.
  • For a caesarean operation, attach certified true copy of the operating room record or surgical memorandum with the certified true or authenticated copy of the registered birth certificate of your child
  • For those who suffered from a miscarriage or agreed to an abortion, it’s a bit more complicated. For an incomplete abortion, you have to have an obstetrical history, with the number of pregnancy certified by the attending physician and dilatation and curettage report. For a complete abortion, you’ll have to submit a pregnancy test taken before and after the abortion and an age of gestation and hystopath report.

When do I get my maternity benefits?

Normally, the first half of the allowance is given prior child birth. The rest is released a month or so after the rest of the reimbursement requirements have been submitted.

How much will I get from my SSS maternity benefit?

  1. Excluding the semester of pregnancy—this equals to two quarters or roughly 6 months—count 12 months and determine your 6 highest salary credits during that period.

Salary credit is compensation base for contributions and benefits related to the total earnings for the month. If you’re unsure what yours is, refer to the table below. 

  1. Add the 6 highest salary credits, the divide by 18 days. You now have the daily maternity allowance.
  2. Now, multiply the daily maternity allowance by 60, for those who had a normal delivery or a miscarriage or 78, for those who went through caesarean section operation. The total is your maternity benefit.

Example Computation: 

Rissa is a voluntary SSS member and she has been paying P220 per month for her SSS contributions since she resigned from her call center job in August 2016. She’s now 8 months pregnant and she is supposed to deliver her child on September 5, 2017.

How much will she get from her SSS Maternity Benefit? 

First, let’s get the semester of contingency which includes the quarter of her delivery month and the quarter before that. Therefore, her semester of contingency includes the following months:

April 2017 – May 2017 – June 2017 – July 2017 – August 2017 – September 2017

Then, we will take note of her SSS contributions and Monthly Salary Credit or MSC (refer to the table of contribution above) during the 12 months prior to the semester of contingency: 

  1. March 2017 – P220 (SSS Contribution) – P2,000 (MSC)
  2. February 2017 – P220 – P2,000
  3. January 2017 – P220 – P2,000
  4. December 2016 – P220 – P2,000
  5. November 2016 – P220 – P2,000
  6. October 2016 – P220 – P2,000
  7. September 2016 – P220 – P2,000
  8. August 2016 – P220 – P2,000
  9. July 2016 – P1,760 – P16,000 (she pays the maximum contribution when she was still employed)
  10. June 2016 – P1,760 – P16,000
  11. May 2016 – P1,760 – P16,000
  12. April 2016 -P1,760 – P16,000

The next step is to add the 6 highest MSC from this 12-month period: 

  1. P16,000
  2. P16,000
  3. P16,000
  4. P16,000
  5. P2,000
  6. P2,000

Total Monthly Salary Credit (MSC) is P68,000.

Divide Total MSC by 180 days to get the Average Daily Salary Credit:

P68,000 / 180 days = P377.77

How much is Diane’s SSS Maternity Benefit? 

A. If she delivers normally, multiply the daily salary credit by 60 days:

P377.77 x 60 days = P22,666

B. If she delivers via Caesarian Section, multiply the daily salary credit by 78 days:

P377.77 x 78 days = P29,466

Therefore, Rissa will receive P22,666 for Normal Delivery or P29,466 for CS Delivery.

Regarding the Expanded Maternity Leave Law which was signed by the Senate on March 6, 2017, Rissa cannot avail of this yet since it’s still being processed in the House of Representative and it has yet to be approved and signed by the President for it to be implemented. 


SSS Answers

View Comments

  • Due date ko po ng september 2016 voluntary member na po ako ngaun, wala po akong payment from august 2015 december 2015. Nagstart po ako for voluntary january 2016...quarterly po ako kung bayad....makaka avail po ba ako sa maternity benefit ?

    • ask ko lng po..employed po xa tapos due date nya 8/2016 c.s po. na regular xa or ung contribution nya starts december 2015.. paanu po ba..4 moths lng ba ma avail nya?december to march 2016?

    • What if po mag two years old n po ang baby ko bago kopo mafile ang requirements s maternity benefit ko?pwede p po ba yun?

  • Pwd po magtanong maka avail pa rin po ba ako sa maternity laon almost 3 yrs. Hindi na bayaran ang sss contributions ko? Or sa sunod na taon kung mabayaran ko yong sss contribution maka avail ba ako kahit one yr ......

  • its my 5th pregnancy but my first baby was not filed to mat benefit,was i still covered to get the mat benefit for my 5th baby

  • Hi ask ko lng kase. Nag file ako nang maternity is july 13 2016 then nanganak ako nang august 05 2016. Nasa ibang bansa kase ung asawa so pinadala ko ung birth nang bby ko kaso hanggang ngayon wla pdin yung birth kase yun nlng kulang nang requirments ko e.
    Hindi ba mwawala yung maternity ko? E mag ooctober na??

    • Pde k magclaim gang 10 years sis. Aq nanganak aq november 27 2015. Wla brth certificate baby q kc nde q agad finile s cityhall. Dec. Pinapalitan q ung tatay kaya late registration. So nkapag file lng aq ng maternity claim q ng dec.21 2016..

  • Good day po ask lang po ngfile po aq ng mat1 april 2016 then i paid may sss contribution january2016-december2016. I paid it on april 2016 din po as a voluntary member. Makaka avail po b q ng maternity benfits q. Nanganak po aq july2016 thru ceasarian section.nung ipapasa q n po ang mat2 at other req. The personnel of sss cainta told me that my application was denied because wala dw po akong hulog ng 2015. Ay voluntary n nga lang po aq d nmn n po aq employed. And i gave birth 2016 not 2015. Can i still file for my maternity.thanks in advance.

  • Hi. I availed my SSS mat ben. and I already recieved 75% of my benefit in advance. After I gave birth, I decided to resign. After 6 months, I got hired from a different company. May I ask know as to where can I get the remaining %25 of my benefits? Would it be from my former employer? Or the present company? Pwede ko pa ba ma claim yun? Tho they're only requiring to submit the reqs after the delivery date? Pls help me. Thanks

  • Tanung ko lang po kse nagresign ako nitong sept30 sa work ko pwede ba na magpasa na ako ng mat 1 ko khit wala pa yung certificate of seperation at certificate of non advancement of benefits?

    • Almost k name kita..=) sken sis nreceive naman nla. Bsta may ultrasound k at ung form ng mat1. S mat 2 q ang bngay q ung certificate of non cash advance at ung L-501 gling s dti qng employer. Wla aqng pinasang coe kc awol aq. As of now on process ung claim q. Bngyan aq ng atm from sss

  • ask ko lng po kung paano po kung unemployed po ako, then and due date kopo sa panganaganak is feb-march ,2017.
    kung magcocontrubute poba ako this nov. 2016 na advance 3mos. contribution pwede poba un? and how much po kaya ang matatanggap ko?
    pls answer po mejo naguguluhan po ako kasi.
    salamat po .
    May God bLess us aLL.

    • log-in ka sa SSS website, makkita mo kung magkano makukuha mo. depende yun sa hulog mo. same scenario ka sa wife ko. di na counted yung Nov na hulog mo kasi 1st 2Quarters lang ang counted. sa case mo 2nd & 3rd Q (2016) ka ppasok. ensure na may hulog ka from April- Sep.

  • Nagpasa po ako ng maternity reinbursement ko po, ask ko lang po ano po yung sinasabi ng teller ng sss na dpat po my gamit na bank ang company ko kasi po yun daw po yung kulang para maapprovahan yunh maternity loan ko.. Ano po ba yung kailangan po para jan kasi hindi rin po alam ng company ko yunh sinasabi ng sss, bago lng po kasi.. Thankyou

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