We curated the most commonly asked questions asked by SSS members at the official SSS Facebook Page which were answered by SSS officers themselves.

Click the appropriate category under FAQs and let’s get your questions answered.

  1. Employee Compensation Law (EC Law)
  2. SSS Contributions FAQs
  3. SSS Death and Funeral Benefit FAQs
  4. SSS Disability Benefit FAQs
  5. SSS for OFWs FAQs
  6. SSS Maternity Benefit FAQs
  7. SSS Membership FAQs
  8. SSS Online Registration FAQs
  10. SSS Retirement Benefit FAQs
  11. SSS Salary Loan FAQs
  12. SSS Sickness Benefit FAQs
  13. UMID / SSS ID FAQs

We hope you find the answer to your question here. If you don’t, please don’t hesitate to CONTACT US. We will do our best to find the answer for you.